[ FDTD top > JavaScript (2-D Acoustic FDTD) ]

2-D Acoustic FDTD Simulation Demo
(Native JavaScript version / rev.20141128)

[256 x 256 pixels]

[Click or Drag anywhere to create a sound source]

Brief Notes

This is a truly physical simulation program of the sound wave propagation in a two-dimensional field filled with fluid media and Mur's 1st order absorbing boundary or a total reflecting wall. (Mur's 1st order absorbing boundary is one of the easiest way to realize an absorbing boundary although the performance is not the best.)

This program solves the equations of the "2D Acoustic FDTD (finite-difference time-domain) method". The dark part consists of air (332 m/s) and the brighter part consists of a mixture of air and helium (468 m/s). The grid resolution is 10 mm/pixel and the time step is 15 μs/step (μs = micro second = 1/1000000 second). A single pulse of sinusoidal wave at 1 kHz with Hann window is transmitted.

Have fun!!

Technical Notes

This program has been tested with Opera 25 (Blink) and Firefox 31 (Gecko) both on Windows and OSX, Internet Explorer 11, and Spartan on Windows. It may be run also on Smartphones compatible with HTML5. A touch operation is expected to work with Blink, WebKit, and Gecko. The speed of calculation depends on the power of your PC. Intel Core i3 series or higher is recommended.

For more detailed information about FDTD method (including 3-D elastic simulation), please refer our papers on simulation.

Thank you.


I deeply appreciate Dr. Ryosuke TACHIBANA (Twitter@ro_tachi) (The University of Tokyo) providing an insightful idea of creating visualized simulation projects and testing the program. I also would like to thank Mr. Takaaki IBARAKI of Gehirn Inc. for reviewing the codes and giving a lot of important comments on coding.


Apr. 5th, 2015
Confirmed the compatibility with Spartan (Windows 10 TP 10049). (Nothing was changed.)
Nov. 28th, 2014
first version.